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Chilean Coratina (Robust/551Phenols)


Harvest Date: May 2024

Biophenols: 551.6ppm   FFA: .16    Perox: 3.3    Oleic: 79.4    DAGs: 95.8

Our Chilean Coratina displays savory vegetal notes of parsley and watercress with hints of tobacco leaf, green pear and green melon. Pleasing pepper finish with balanced bitterness.

****2024 Silver Medal Winner Olive Japan****

Chilean Koroneiki (Med/382 Phenols) ’24 Harvest


Harvest Date: May 2024

Biophenols: 382.2ppm   FFA: .13    Perox: 4.4    Oleic: 76.9    DAGs: 97

The Chilean Koroneiki displays notes of wheat grass and savory herb with a malty center and a peppery, astringent finish reminiscent of
green banana peel.

Sicilian Nocellara (Medium/380phenols)


Harvest Date: Novmeber 2023

Biophenols: 380.95ppm   FFA: .15    Perox: 5.19    Oleic: 72.85    DAGs: 96.4

Our iconic Sicilian Nocellara del Belice from the Belice Valley displays a pleasant creamy mouth feel with sweet complex flavors punctuated by a peppery kick. This early harvest example was carefully crafted from pristine, green olives. Flavor characteristics include floral undertones and notes of creamy green almond. Lingering astringency and Szechuan peppercorn on the finish.

Peruvian Coratina (Robust/540 Phenols) APRIL ’24 HARVEST


Harvest Date: April 2024

Biophenols: 540ppm    FFA: .25    Perox: 4.0    Oleic: 71.0    Dags: 93.6

Displays classic early harvest Coratina notes of unripe banana, creamy green almond and Capsaicin pungency. Ample bitterness in the center gives way to a clean and spicy finish with notes of green tea. 

Australian Picual (Mild/305Phenols)


Harvest Date: May 2024

FFA: .13 Biophenols: 305.4ppm Oleic Acid: 78.8 Peroxide: 3.1 Dags: 97.9

This balanced Picual displays sweet notes of fennel and green apple with a creamy center and peppery astringent finish.


Chilean Frantoio-Leccino (Robust/510)


Harvest Date: May 2024

FFA: .17 Biophenols: 510.8ppm Oleic Acid: 75.19 Peroxide: 3.43 Dags: 95.6

Flavor notes include spicy arugula and bitter greens with a malty savory herb center, delayed bitterness, and lingering pungency. Both varieties shine in this classic Italian example.


CALIFORNIA Manzanillo (Md-Robust/369 Phenols)


Harvest Date: October 2023

FFA: .16 Biophenols: 369.5ppm Oleic Acid: 74.49 Peroxide: 3.46 Dags: 97.1

Our early harvest California Manzanillo displays notes of unripe berries, melon, and green banana. Balanced and a tad savory with a slight pepper finish. Great balance between our Medium & Robust Intensity olive oils.


Chilean Picual (Robust/449Phenols)


Harvest Date: May 2024

FFA: .14 Biophenols: 449.8ppm Oleic Acid: 80.9 Peroxide: 3.8 Dags: 97.4

Our intensely aromatic Chilean Picual displays green notes of unripe stone fruit and apple peel with hints of confection, a bitter center and a pungent finish. This award winner is an excellent example of early harvest green picual. The Oleic composition at 80.9% represents the highest in our collection

****2024 Gold Medal Winner Olive Japan**** 


Amphora House Blend


Our House blend is delicious, mild, and has green olive and lightly floral notes. It is a multi-use oil, great for salads and especially high-heat cooking. We provide restaurants and bakeries with this high-grade oil, which is why it’s an amazing bargain at $19.50 per 750 mL bottle.